Earth for making bricks should never be extracted from a sandy or gravelly soil, and still less from one that is stony; but from a stratum that is white and cretaceous, or else impregnated with red earth.[1] If a sandy soil must be employed for the purpose, it should at least be male[2] sand, and no other. The spring is the best season for making bricks, as at midsummer they are very apt to crack. For building, bricks two years old are the only ones that are approved of; and the wrought material of them should be well macerated before they are made.
There are three different kinds of bricks; the Lydian, which
is in use with us, a foot-and-a-half in length by a foot in
breadth; the tetradoron; and the pentadoron; the word "doron"
being used by the ancient Greeks to signify the palm[3]—hence,
too, their word "doron" meaning a gift, because it is the
hand that gives.—These last two kinds, therefore, are named
respectively from their being four and five palms in length,
the breadth being the same. The smaller kind is used in
Greece for private buildings, the larger for the construction of
public edifices. At Pitane,[4] in Asia, and in the cities of Maxilua
and Calentum in Farther Spain, there are bricks[5] made,
which float in water, when dry; the material being a sort of
Muræna and Varro, in their ædileship, had a fine fresco painting, on the plaster of a wall at Lacedæmon, cut away from the bricks, and transported in wooden frames to Rome, for the purpose of adorning the Comitium. Admirable as the work was of itself, it was still more admired after being thus transferred. In Italy also there are walls of brick, at Arretium and Mevania.[8] At Rome, there are no buildings of this description, because a wall only a foot-and-a-half in thickness would not support more than a single story; and by public ordinance it has been enacted that no partition should exceed that thickness; nor, indeed, does the peculiar construction of our party-walls admit of it.